Monday, August 23, 2010

Punch's Cousin, Chapter 25

Well, then,” Julian said softly. “Tell me.”

“Julian, you asked how I know of ‘The Elegant Ogress.’ If you’ll recall, I hesitated. I wasn’t eager to tell you because it’s a matter of my family’s honor.”

“I don’t recall that,” Julian responded, wide-eyed—unaware that the conversation had taken place between Robert and Punch.

Robert blushed. “You were quite drowsy at the time. It’s no wonder you don’t remember. We had just come back here after breakfast. You were napping while I rambled on. You had asked me why I was on this ship.” He tried to shield Julian from the reality of his lost time.

“Why don’t I remember that?” Julian sighed.

“As I told you,” Robert stalled, “I booked passage on the ship so that I could go to New Orleans to see my brother, Cecil.”

“The brother you mentioned who knows Nanny Rittenhouse’s employer?” Julian nodded.

“Yes. Cecil’s wife just bore him a son—Fuller.” Robert continued.

“Congratulations.” Julian said.

“Thank you. I’m told he’s a fine, healthy boy. But, you see, there was some concern that Adrienne—that’s Cecil’s wife—would be able to carry a healthy child.”

“Why is that?” Julian asked.

“Her life has been, shall we say, difficult.” Robert answered softly.

“How so?” Julian asked.

“You see, Julian, Adrienne had been employed…” Robert paused. “She had been one of Iolanthe Evangeline’s girls.”

“She was…”

“Yes,” Robert nodded slowly, “She managed to escape that life and fled to a town by the river—Marionneaux. The Elegant Ogress sent her henchmen after her, but Cecil managed to protect her. He fell in love with her immediately and made her his wife. I know the great lengths that this Evangeline woman will go to ensure she gets her way. She’s dangerous. Adrienne had once been a great lady herself—from a fine French family. She was unjustly…” Robert shook his head. “We don’t need to get into all of that right now. Let’s say simply that she fell into the wrong hands.”

“I see.” Julian sighed.

“Now they’re happy. They live comfortably. She takes care of their home while Cecil is sculpting. He’s a wax sculptor, you see. However, the threat of Iolanthe’s wrath is ever-present. That is how I know of the ogress.”

“I’m glad that you told me, Robert.” Julian responded. “However, that doesn’t answer my question. I asked you to tell me what is wrong with me. You’re postponing your answer.”

“Sir, nothing is wrong with you.” Robert lied. “You’re simply weary and overwhelmed by your voyage.”

“I don’t believe you.” Julian twirled the ring on his left hand.

“You must.” Robert answered, sitting next to Julian. “You must.”

“Did you give Arthur that medicine to administer to me?” Julian asked.

“No, Julian, I did not.”

“And, I suppose that’s another thing that I ‘must’ believe.”


“Robert, I’m not a man who trusts easily.” Julian said plainly.

“Nor should you be.” Robert patted Julian’s knee.

“Why then, should I trust you?” Julian asked.

“Because I know pain.” Robert smiled. “I understand the agony of life.”

Julian shrugged. “In itself, I suppose that’s enough.”

“Will you rest now?” Robert asked.

“Do I have a choice?” Julian inhaled sharply.

“No, my friend. You do not.”

“Resting isn’t my strong suit.” Julian mumbled.

“I’ll help you.” Robert smiled.

They sat in comfortable silence, unaware that someone was about to shatter that comfort.

At that very moment, Arthur was bounding onto the deck of the Hyperion, panting.

“He wouldn’t take it.” Arthur hissed to a shabbily dressed man who stood by the rail.

“And why not?” The man asked.

“That Halifax bloke interrupted us.” Arthur explained.

“Try again.” The man grunted.

“No!” Arthur spat. “You’re the one what’s got all the ideas! You’re the puppet master! You find a way!”

“I don’t like your tone, boy.” The man growled. “From here on, you’ll address me as ‘Professor.’”

“Yes, Sir.” Arthur’s face turned red.

“Fine. You go make sure the letters to the Duchess are in order. I will take care of Lord Julian. I think what we need is a more feminine touch.”

“She won’t do it, Sir.” Arthur trembled.

“Oh, yes she will.” The man laughed. “She’ll do anything I say.”

Did you miss Chapters 1-24? If so, you can read them here.


Darcy said...

It seems that evil lurks around every corner on that ship. Julian can trust no one. I hope somewhere inside himself he can find the fortitude to get himself through this voyage. What he can expect when he reaches New Orleans? The suspense is palpable.

Fran said...

Ya know you're right Darcy, there's not anywhere for the guy to go where he's not going to run into somebody bad. Reminds me of a cruise I took once. This is sooooo good. I want more more more.

Dashwood said...

Absolutely right, Fran and Darcy. I hope that Robert (if he's what he seems to be) can hold Julian from slipping backin into his nightmare world long enough to get him armed for battle. But I have to say that while great evil characters are just that, they're intriguing in their way. But miserable little weasels like Arthur - both fictional and real - exist in far too great a number. Maybe he'd like a little swim?

Joseph Crisalli said...

Thanks, Darcy, Fran and Dashwood. Julian has strength within him, he just needs to find it without Punch's interference. And, Dashwood, Arthur is so unctuous, he'd just float on the surface of the ocean. Now, Fran, tell me more about this cruise you took. Was it full of treachery and intrigue or did you dance on water?