Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Punch's Cousin, Chapter 132

Adrienne looked to Mr. Punch who shrugged.

“Ain’t no harm in lookin’ at the thing.” Mr. Punch said, stroking Toby’s ears.

“I wouldn’t feel right about it.” Adrienne sighed. “I would feel as though I’d be invading Nellie’s privacy.”

“Listen, Lady Chum,” Mr. Punch responded, patting Toby’s stomach and standing up. “The outside of a letter is for anyone to see. Besides, it’s not a matter of betrayin’ Nellie’s privacy, it’s a matter of seein’ that your husband and your baby are safe. Ain’t no harm in that.”

Punch placed his puppet carefully on the chair next to Adrienne who smiled softly. He walked into the hall and glanced at the letter. Shaking his head, he returned to the parlor and retrieved his puppet, sitting in the chair across from Adrienne.

“Well?” Adrienne asked.

“It’s addressed to ‘U.R.’ a few houses up Royal Street.”

“U.R.?” Adrienne exclaimed. “Ulrika Rittenhouse? She’s staying at Edward Cage’s house.”

“Has to be,” Mr. Punch nodded. “But, how does your Nellie know that red-headed devil?”

“I can’t imagine.” Adrienne frowned.

Meanwhile, in Edward Cage’s house, Ulrika rolled over in bed and grinned at Arthur.

“You were so angry last night, really.” Ulrika cooed. “It was quite delicious.”

“Shut up,” Arthur groaned.

“Your face,” Ulrika whispered gleefully, “It’s positively blue from bruising. The doctor’s got a strong fist.”

“I told you to shut up,” Arthur pulled a pillow over his head.

“Have you forgiven your little Ulrika?” The woman mewed.

Arthur was silent.

“You know you don’t have any choice.” Ulrika continued. “I own you.”

Arthur flung the pillow at Ulrika and got out of bed, stumbling to find his clothes.

“Where are you going?” Ulrika asked.

“I’m going to see my wife.” Arthur spat.

“Your wife, dear heart, is most likely already entertaining her first gentleman caller of the day,” Ulrika frowned. “Come back to bed. You need your sleep. I know that you were up all night.”

Arthur frowned as he got dressed.

“Don’t think I didn’t hear you rummaging around the room.” Ulrika continued.

Arthur still said nothing.

“You don’t think the diamond is in here do you?” Ulrika laughed. “I’m not that foolish.”

“I hate you,” Arthur growled.

“Show me how much,” Ulrika smiled.

“You are somethin’.” Arthur shook his head.

“Come back to bed, Arthur,” Ulrika said forcefully.

“With Edward Cage and his whole family rattlin’ around this house?” Arthur mumbled. “You know they came here last night. I’ve got to get out of here.”

“And go where?” Ulrika laughed. “To wait in line at Iolanthe’s to see your wife?”

“Quiet.” Arthur hissed. “Maybe I’ll pay a visit to Lord Fallbridge and his protector. Seems that your little plan hasn’t been very effective.”

“Not to worry, my dear,” Ulrika smiled. “It’s all taken care of.”

“How’s that, exactly?” Arthur grumbled. “The lunatic is as happy as a clam in that house.”

“Pleased as Punch, you might say,” Ulrika laughed.

“You’re a right funny one,” Arthur grunted. “You went to all the trouble of havin’ Agnes put that suicide note in his clothes. I don’t see as how His Lordship is goin’ to take his own life anytime soon. The barmy fool is quite content.”

“Don’t fret, my dear,” Ulrika sighed, sitting up, “News of Lord Fallbridge’s tragic death at his own hand will soon reach us. In fact, we’ll receive word of it before the ball tonight. It will be too, too sad really.”

“How do you figure?” Arthur grumbled, putting on his boots.

“Let’s say that a girl from Marionneaux—a fallen angel—one who owes me a debt of gratitude will coax Julian Molliner into his eternal slumber. And, then, Arthur, my dear, we only have two little details to attend to before we get everything we so rightly deserve.”

At that very moment, Nellie was quietly making her way into Julian’s room. There, she spotted the pitcher of water on the stand next to the bed. From her pocketbook, she retrieved an envelope of vicious looking crystals which she poured into the pitcher. She frowned as they dissolved. “God forgive me,” She muttered to herself.

Did you miss Chapters 1-131? If so, you can read them here.


Dashwood said...

One can start to see how Punch has more than just a stick to use in beating the Devil. Doesn't sound like Ulrika is giving Arthur a nice little headache powder either.

Joseph Crisalli said...

Hi Dashwood, Mr. Punch is starting to become quite reasonable--all the better since he's surrounded by such unreasonable people. Thanks for reading!

Book Gurl said...

Mr. Punch should get one of those door locks with the pistols!

Anonymous said...

Poor Punch can't get a break. I can't wait to see what happens.

Joseph Crisalli said...

That's a good idea, Book Gurl.

Joseph Crisalli said...

Thanks, Anonymous.