Saturday, August 20, 2011

Punch’s Cousin, Chapter 323

Gerard rolled over on his side and peered over the top of his blankets at Charles who lay across from him on his own small cot in the Spartan room they shared in the servants’ quarters of the Royal Street mansion.

“You asleep, Charlie?” Gerard asked.

“No.” Charles responded. “And, I’ll thank you not to refer to me as Charlie.”

“I see. See, I like to be called ‘Gerry,’ sounds friendlier than Gerard. Don’t you think? Hope you don’t mind me bein’ here.” Gerard smiled.

“I don’t suppose I have a choice.” Charles mumbled.

“No, guess not.” Gerard said softly. “Here, I hope we can be friends. I know I ain’t the kind of bloke you’re used to bein’ ‘round. Had a rough life, you know. But, I aon’t a bad fella. Don’t judge me by my company. I only was with Arthur so I could get out of a bad place. You know how it is? See, I was on a ship. Wasn’t ‘sposed to be there. It was a misunderstandin’. See, I had the money. But, I just couldn’t get me hands on it. So, them folk took me off and put me on the ship to pay off me debts. Now, I ain’t sayin’ I never did nothin’ wrong. I sure have. But, that’s all in the past. And, see, now I have a chance and I ain’t gonna ruin it. The doctor were fine to offer me this position. I’m hopin’ you’ll help me. I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout bein’ no valet. I hope I can learn from you.”

“What’s to learn?” Charles grunted. “You bring up their bath water, you help them dress, you bring them food and polish their shoes and stand around and watch them live their lives even if you don’t approve of what they’re doing.”

“Oh.” Gerard whispered. “You mean the Duke, right? He’s an odd one, isn’t he? Talkin’ like some rough fella and actin’ mad. But, I realize he ain’t mad. He’s just different. And who’s to say that a Duke can’t talk or act anyway he wants?”

“Yes, who is to say?” Charles growled. “Who’s to say he can’t be a wild lunatic? After all, he has a title and gold and jewels and a fine estate. I suppose that means he can do whatever he wants.”

“Here, I think he’s nice.” Gerard responded.

“Oh, yes, he’s nice.” Charles chuckled dryly.

“We’re lucky, you know.” Gerard answered. “Some blokes got bad masters. We’ve got it good. A fine house, a chance to travel. Two proper gentleman to look after and who’ll look after us. Plus, we get to eat good food and spend time with fine ladies. And the other servants are very nice.”

“I’m so glad you’re happy.”

“What choice do I have?” Gerard asked, beginning to get irritated. “I can be happy or I can be miserable. What good’s bein’ miserable? I didn’t like Artie much, but I’m sad he died. But, somethin’ good came of it. So, isn’t it better to be grateful?”

“Can’t you just be quiet and go to sleep?” Charles croaked.

“You’re just angry ‘cause you’re in love with that Barbara Allen. Don’t you know she’s no good? Don’t matter that she was once a great lady. She ain’t no more. She ruined that when she got herself pregnant and married a footman. No great lady’s gonna be involved with a servant! And, look at her now, Artie said she’s a whore. Forget about her. You can find a nice cook or an upper house parlor maid. That’s more fitting for a valet.”

“You had better shut your mouth,” Charles growled, sitting up. “Never mention Barbara to me! Never speak her name!”

“All right,” Gerard mumbled, rolling over and drawing the covers over his face. “Sorry to bother ya.”

Charles shook his head and rose from the bed.

“Where you goin’?” Gerard asked.

“Out!” Charles spat as he left the room.

“He’s barmy, that one.” Gerard mumbled to himself as he settled back into his bed. “No matter. I got a home now. And, that’s all that matters.”

At that very moment, Mr. Punch sat on the floor of the parlor and played with his puppet while Toby slept at his side. Robert—who was sitting behind Punch on a settee--gently tapped Punch’s back with his foot.

“Here, quite kickin’ me, I’m talkin’ with the puppet.” Punch laughed.

“I see that,” Robert smiled, “but don’t you think we’d better get some sleep?”

“I guess.” Punch sighed. “I got a lot on me mind. Don’t know how well I’ll sleep, I don’t.”

“You’re thinking about Barbara?”

“I am.” Punch nodded. “Though I don’t know why I should.”

“Because—regardless of what she’s done—she’s your sister. Or, at least, Julian’s sister. And, you don’t want to let him down.”

Punch nodded.

“Nevertheless, we’ve got a lot to do tomorrow. We’ve got to be rested. Just getting to the ship will be tricky. You know that Edward Cage and many others will be watching us. We’ve got to get on that ship and, then, when we’re safely at sea with the whole family, we can rest easily.”

“Is everything arranged?” Punch asked.

“Yes.” Robert said. “Cecil, Adrienne will travel under the names Mr. and Mrs. Arlecchino. You will be Julian Pulcinella and I will be Roberto Amici. The ship registry shows we’re traveling with two children and a dog as well as two valets—Gerry and Charles—and, in steerage, a servant and another child. Marjani and Columbia will use the surname Colombina.”

“I’m glad we were able to convince her to come with us.” Punch smiled.

“As am I.” Robert said.

“I’m sure me master will find a right good place for her at Fallbridge Hall where Columbia can grow up with all the horses and land and pretty things to see.”

“Yes,” Robert said.

A knock at the door interrupted them as Marjani entered the room.

“Ah, Marjani, we were just talking about you.” Robert smiled.

“Yes, sir.” Marjani nodded nervously.

“Is something bothering you?” Robert asked.

“Yes, sir.” Marjani answered, pressing on her stomach.

“What is it?” Punch asked.

“I got a funny feelin’.” Marjani gulped. “There’s somethin’ new. Somethin’ evil.”

“What do you mean?” Punch asked.

“Marie Laveau.” Marjani said softly. “I…don’t know. I think she’s got somethin’ that’s gonna hurt us. Is there any way that we can depart now?”

“No.” Robert shook his head. “The ship won’t depart until the early afternoon.”

“We gotta get on that ship now, Sir.” Marjani said nervously. “I just got a terrible feelin’.”

Did you miss Chapters 1-322? If so, you can read them here. Come back on Monday, August 22, for Chapter 324 of Punch’s Cousin.

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