Friday, October 28, 2011

Punch’s Cousin, Chapter 379

Adrienne’s eyes filled with tears as she listened to Robert and Mr. Punch. At first, she and Cecil had been relieved to spot Marjani, Robert and Punch in the French Quarter. They had hurried toward the trio—overjoyed that Punch/Julian was conscious and anxious to hear news of the missing children.

“So, she’s dead?” Cecil grumbled. “The woman who took our boys is dead at the hands of Iolanthe Evangeline.”

“But, where are the children?” Adrienne wept.

“Here, now, Lady Chum, don’t cry. You know that Ogress is gonna bring Colin to Edward Cage again. Damn man, callin’ my boy by the wrong name—‘Holt.’ As I figure, she’s got…”

“But, we don’t know that!’ Adrienne interrupted. “What of my boy? Did she take him, too? You know she loathes me for leaving her. You know that she’d do anything to move to make me suffer! Don’t you think that she would love to make me suffer! She would do anything! She knows that Fuller is my son.”

“My darling, please.” Cecil wrapped his arms around his wife. “I can’t think that Iolanthe Evangeline—as cruel as she is, and as mad—would harm a child. She’s a mother herself.”

“Don’t you?” Adrienne buried her face in her husband’s shoulder. “All those weeks ago in Marionneaux she stood next to the bassinette and threatened our son. Now that she has him…”

“We don’t know that she has him,” Robert cut in.

“And, if she doesn’t? Where is he, then? He wasn’t in Agnes’ room.”

“No, Lady Chum. He weren’t.” Punch shook his head.

“What if…” Adrienne gasped, withdrawing from Cecil’s embrace. “What if she wants to make him a replacement for her own son? What if she…”

“That won’t help anything…” Cecil answered, trying to comfort his wife. “Let’s not let our imaginations carry us away.”

“Oh, no?” Adrienne spat.

“Adrienne, we must continue to search.” Robert interjected. “We know that Iolanthe will bring the Duke’s nephew to Edward Cage. Let’s go there.”

“The doctor’s right.” Marjani spoke up. “Iolanthe done jus’ left the hotel. She can’t be much farther ahead of us.”

“And, she’s hurt.” Punch added. “So, she’s gotta be movin’ slower than usual.”

“Come, darling,” Cecil said. “Let’s go toward Royal Street.”

“Yes,” Adrienne nodded. “Let’s do hurry.”

Meanwhile, at Edward Cage’s house on Royal Street, he had just deposited “Holt” in the nursery and was carrying Adrienne and Cecil’s son, Fuller, through the passage to see where he could be kept.

There, he met Ulrika Rittenhouse who had managed to sneak Giovanni into her room.

“Where’ve you been?” Edward snapped.

“Out, Mr. Cage.” Ulrika smiled flirtatiously.

“You’re a mess. Look at you—dirt all over your face and gown. What have you been doing?”

“I’m a grown woman, Mr. Cage. You needn’t worry about me.”

“When your mama and papa left here, they left you in my care.” Edward frowned.

“I assure you, really,” Ulrika winked. “I’ve been up to no good.”

“Of course you haven’t.” Edward chuckled heartily. “You little…”

“Now, Mr. Cage.” Ulrika wagged a finger at him. “I see you’ve been up to some mischief, too.”

“Have I?”

“That’s not your child.” Ulrika grinned.

“Yes, he is.” Edward laughed. “Now.”

“What of the other boy? Holt?”

“He’s back home again.” Edward nodded. “And, for our troubles, we’ve been given this little extra gift.”

“How pleasant.” Ulrika responded.

“Mr. Cage!” An urgent voice called up the stairs, followed by frantic footsteps.

One of the Cages’ maids, Zettie, rushed into the hallway.

“What is it, Zettie?” Edward asked. “Has Mrs. Cage passed?”

“What’s wrong with Corliss?” Ulrika interrupted.

“She’s got the Yellow Jack.” Edward replied plainly. “She fell ill while you were out. You should avoid her room.”

“I always do.” Ulrika joked.

“No, Sir. It ain’t Mrs. Cage.” Zettie responded. “There’s some men at the door. They want to talk with you. They’re wearin’ uniforms and all.”

Ulrika and Edward exchanged glances.

“Did they say why?” Edward asked, fearful that they’d come for one or both of the children.

“There done been a murder. That’s what I heard them say!” Zettie said breathlessly.

“Who was killed?” Edward asked.

“Was it the Duke?” Ulrika asked eagerly. “Or his sister?”

“No.” Zettie lowered her head. “It was your cousin, Miss Rittenhouse, the one who done worked as your mama’s nanny.”

“Frail, sticky Agnes?” Ulrika grinned. “Who would care enough to murder her?”

“Them men—they say it was Odo!”

“Odo.” Edward said softly, recalling Odo’s complicity in obtaining “Holt” from Agnes and how Odo had taken the boy from the house to keep him from Robert Halifax. Why would Odo have murdered Agnes? Worse, still, would Odo tell the authorities all of the events that had led to that moment?

“I’ll go right down.” Edward nodded. “Take the child.”

Zettie, with a confused look on her face, took the baby. “This ain’t…”

“No.” Edward answered quickly. “Holt has been returned to us. He’s in the nursery. This boy is now my ward. He will be part of our family.”

“What’s his name?” Zettie asked.

“Ah.” Edward sputtered. “I…well…”

“Raphael.” Ulrika spoke up.

“Yes.” Edward squinted. “That’s it.” With that, he descended the stairs to greet the authorities.

“Miss Rittenhouse,” Zettie asked meekly. “Do you know where this chil’ is gonna sleep?”

“Zettie,” Ulrika smiled. “Don’t you worry about it. I’ll take the boy.”

“Oh, no, Miss.” Zettie shook her head. “It wouldn’t be fittin’.”

“Please, Zettie. You’ve so much to attend to, really. And, I can look after a baby. Remember, I have a little brother, Rowan, at home.”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Give him to me.” Ulrika smiled.

Reluctantly, Zettie handed the boy to Ulrika who responded, “Now, go on. Maybe you should look after Mrs. Cage.”

“Yes, Miss.” Zettie said, glancing over her shoulder as she walked away.

Ulrika held the child up in front of herself and grinned at him. “You’re Fuller Halifax, aren’t you? Well, really, you were. Now—now you’re Raphael Rittenhouse. And, you’re all mine.”

Did you miss Chapters 1-378? If so, you can read them here.

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