Friday, March 2, 2012

Object of the Day: "Our Boy,"A Trade Card for Scott's Emulsion

 Unfortunately in every household some of the little ones are the victims of a wasting disorder.  For some reason, their food fails to nourish them and they finally fade and die. 

Printed by Alfred Knapf in the late Nineteenth Century, this Victoria Trade Card advertises Scott’s Emulsion, a medicinal elixir (cod liver oil) which was produced by New York-based Scott and Bowne.  The card depicts a healthy, rosy-cheeked lad who is labeled “Our Boy” and is stamped with the name of a supplier of the emulsion, “A.K. Henderson,”  a druggist from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The story of this blue-eyed lad is printed on the reverse.  I’ve copied it exactly as it is printed, odd caps and all.  It reads:

Whose picture appears on the other side of this card, is  a perfect type of health and beauty.  It is a delight to look upon such a beautiful picture; but how sad to behold the suffering of a mother when her darling is smitten with disease and his rounded, dimpled cheeks become pale and wan, and the bright eyes lusterless, and she sees day by day her little one wasting away.  Unfortunately in every household some of the little ones are the victims of a wasting disorder.  For some reason, their food fails to nourish them and they finally fade and die.  We are glad that we have a food and remedy of unequaled potency in all conditions of wasting, of whatever character, in children as well as in adults.  SCOTT’S EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL WITH THE HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA is really a marvelous remedy in producing flesh and strength.  It is surprising how quickly it checks the waste and decline in flesh.  It is so prepared that the most sickly child can digest and assimilate it readily, even when the stomac will not tolerate ordinary food.  In addition to its great flesh-producing and strengthening powers, IT IS THE BEST REMEDY IN EXISTENCE for Consumption, Scrofula, Colds and Chronic Coughs, Anemia and General Debility.  It heals the irritation of the lungs and throat, cures the cough and gives strength in a manner surprising both to physician and patient.  For ordinary Colds and Coughs no specific or cough remedy equals it.  It not only cures the cold at once, but builds up and strengthens the system.  IT IS ALMST AS PALATABLE AS MILK.  Do not fail to try this invaluable remedy for any condition of wasting, either in children or adults.
Sold by All Druggists.                           SCOTT & BOWNE, New York

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